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A priest comes out of the church to find a young boy sitting on the steps. The boy is killing ants by smushing them with his thumb, saying,"F-cking ants," with each smush. The priest watches for a moment, horrified, before running over to the boy. "What are you doing!?!?!"

The priest shouts at the boy. "I'm killing these fucking ants," responds the boy.

Visibly upset, the priest sits next to the boy. "My son, don't you know that it is wrong to harm any of God's creatures?

God created every living being and it is a sin to kill any of them, including ants."

The boy thinks about this a minute and says to the priest, "But these
ants don't do anything. They just bother people."

The priest responds, "Everything in life has a purpose my son,including these ants. I want you to go home and think about that. In fact, I challenge you to come back here in one week and see if you can think of
three things in life that do not have a purpose."

One week passes and the priest emerges from the church to find the same boy sitting on the steps, smushing ants with his thumb, reciting the same "F-F-F-cking ants" phrase. The priest screams at the boy to stop.

Rushing over to him, the priest says to the boy, "My son, I thought I told you that everything has a purpose and it is a sin to interfere with that
purpose! Why are you killing these ants? Did you do as I instructed?
Were you really able to think of three things in life that do not have
a purpose?"

The boy looks up at the priest and says, "Yeah, I thought of three things that don't have a purpose. A nun's tits, your balls and these f-cking ants!"
Penis: The only thing that a woman hopes she will find hard to handle.
Women believe if a pet cat strays, it's because of a lack of affection at home.

Women believe if a pet dog strays, it's because of a lack of affection at home.

Women believe if a woman strays, it's because of a lack of affection at home.

Women believe if a man strays, it's because men are scum-sucking, friggin assholes!
The nerve endings," said Gabriel. "How many will I put in her hands?"

"How many did we put in Adam?" asked The Lord.

"Two-hundred, O Mighty One," replied Gabriel.

"Then we shall do the same for this woman," said The Lord.

"How many nerve endings should we put in woman's genitals," inquired Gabriel.

"How many did we put in Adam?" asked The Lord.

"Four-hundred and twenty, O Mighty One," replied Gabriel.

"Of course. We did want Adam to have a means of receiving extra pleasure in his life, didn't we? Do the same for woman," said The Lord.

"Yes, O Great Lord," said Gabriel.

"No, wait!" said The Lord. "Screw it, give her ten-thousand. I want her to scream out my name."
What does the word S-I-N-G-L-E stand for?
Stay Intoxicated Nightly, Get Laid Everyday
A secretary, out with appendicitis, was being visited by a co-worker in the hospital.
"How are things at the Office going, Claudia?" she asked.
"Well, they're all sharing your work. Jody is making the coffee, Louise is reading all your magazines, and Sharon is making it with the Boss."